Robins & The Mine

The baby robins under the deck grew up quickly. They’ve left the nest now.

I returned to the abandoned copper mine, this time with a camera.

The Elizabeth Mine Superfund site is located in Strafford and Thatford [sic], Vermont. The site contains waste rock, roast beds and mine tailings left behind after 150 years of mining activity. Mining wastes contaminated groundwater, soil and sediment with heavy metals and acid-rock drainage. Mining wastes also contaminated the adjacent West Branch of the Ompompanoosuc River, Lord Brook and two tributaries.

EPA placed the site on the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2001. In 2005, EPA stabilized the tailing pile with soil and repaired the tailing dam. These activities prevented the release of mining waste and potential catastrophic loss of life and property downstream. EPA built a water treatment system in 2008. With reuse in mind, EPA consolidated and covered the mining waste in 2012.

At the moment, there is no work happening at the site. People hike and bike there often. But it’s obvious that a huge amount of geotechnical activity happened there; first, to cut the mountain open, and later, to patch its dripping wounds.


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The trail is still very muddy, even after a dry week.

May Snow

On May 9th, we got a half inch of snow, the latest snow of the season as far as I can remember. Grass had already sprouted and birds were already raising chicks.

It all melted by afternoon.

A few days later, I took a hike up the back hill. It has great views of downtown Sharon, the White River, the Interstate, and Killington/Pico.

This guy fearlessly blocked my path on the way down.

1,000 Miles

Since I came home from Ohio I’ve been biking a lot. I finally broke 1,000 lifetime miles on my odometer, not including the miles before I factory reset it several years ago. Here are some photos from these rides and around the house.

My upcoming internship at Central Hudson could not be done remotely, so I am looking at other ways to spend the summer.