An update on the wildlife that keeps appearing.
These tiny toads are everywhere in the woods right now, so common that they scatter every time you take a step.
Lots of caterpillars and butterflies too. I’ve finally seen a few monarchs, but I haven’t got a photo of one yet this summer.
I got out on the water at Peacham pond today, and that’s where I saw the loons. It’s a nice little lake surrounded by woods and cabins.
At first, the loons would appear far across the water, barely recognizable. But this one let us come quite close in our canoe. It groomed itself for a while before finally ducking under, out of sight.
As we were paddling back to the boat launch, two loons popped up right in front of us. I made a bird-ish sort of noise, thinking it would probably scare them off, but one of them warbled its classic loon call right back at us. Then the other one joined in. I’ve never been so close to one of these birds; I guess they may be accustomed to humans on this small pond.